Processing Community Day NYC New York City

A day to celebrate art, code and diversity by and for the New York community.

Event Information

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Layla Quinones

Layla Quinones

Processing and Sound for Urban Students

Hello processing community! I am a Computer Science teacher at The Laboratory School for Finance and Technology in the South Bronx. I serve students located in the most challenged congressional district in the country, but also who are incredibly passionate about Computer Science. I received my BS and MA from New York University in Physics Education, and have since focused on teaching CS and spreading CS Education to both teachers and students all over NYC. I am particularly passionate about integrating CS across the curriculum, identifying entry points for CS in other subjects, and providing tools for highly effective teaching.


Leandra Tejedor

Leandra Tejedor

Low Tech VR Starter Kit

Leandra is co-founder of Vidcode. Vidcode creates software and curriculum that teaches students to code through creativity. The curricular approach enables students to create video filters, simulations, augmented reality, and other creative projects -- all while learning the fundamentals of computer programming.


Kelly Deckelman Brandon

Kelly Deckelman Brandon

Art, Meditation, and Learning to Code in p5.js

Kelly Deckelman Brandon is a Creative Computation teacher in grades 6-12 at Avenues: The World School, NYC. She seeks to bring computer science education to all students. During the summer she coaches elementary and middle school teachers to integrate CS within existing classroom content as a part of both the STEM Institute and the Computer Science Department at the University of Notre Dame. Prior to teaching, Kelly was a software developer at the Naval Research Laboratory.


Meditation from Drawing Your Own Path: 33 Practices at the Crossroads of Art and Meditation

Practice with Lines optical illusion

Recognizing patterns to add variables

Angela Ferraiolo and students

Remember The Spirograph!

Angela Ferraiolo is a computational artist interested in simulation and adaptive systems. She teaches in the Visual Arts program at Sarah Lawrence College where she started a studio in New Genres. She and her students have been experimenting with the connection between code and cardboard, and in the ways simple Processing sketches can help people understand the links between mechanics, kinematics, and real-world fabrication.

Matthew Ortega

Matthew Ortega

Designing Brushes in Processing

Matthew Ortega is an artist, designer and musician working at the intersection of art and technology. He attended Mason Gross School of the Arts in the 2000s, where remix culture and questions of authorship emerged as a result of new technologies. He primarily began to use collage and digital media to take part in this open source sense of culture. After working as a digital designer for many years, he learned how to program and started creating custom software to expand his artistic expression. He now focuses on concepts around speed, consciousness, and extending traditional tools in his studio practice. He also runs the computational design studio Form & Void.

Alex Xu and Luke DuBois

Alex Xu and Luke DuBois

p5.plot - visualization made easy

Alex Xu is a student in the Integrated Digital Media (IDM) program at NYU's Tandon School of Engineering. She develops awesome tools for creative coding. Luke DuBois co-directs the IDM program, and enjoys the same. They have been collaborating this year on some p5.js libraries.

GitHub repo

Bomani McClendon

Bomani McClendon

Interactive Projection Mapping with Processing!

Bomani McClendon is a software engineer and interactive media artist based in New York City. He is interested in using technology to create beautiful, memorable experiences that prompt self-reflection or social inquiry. Bomani works as a member of Foldhaus Collective on Shrumen Lumen, a large interactive art installation that is currently on display at the Smithsonian's Renwick Gallery. During the day, he builds News products and cross-platform UI infrastructure at Facebook.

GitHub Repo

Tuan Nguyen

Tuan Nguyen

Designing Unplugged CS Lessons

Tuan is a K-12 educator, curriculum designer, and technology integrator. He started teaching as an undergraduate at UC Berkeley, then went on to teach in San Francisco and later Ho Chi Minh City. Tuan is now teaching at Ethical Culture Fieldston School and working closely with the school's Technology Department to promote the ethical study of computer science. He is also finishing graduate studies at Teachers College, Columbia University and will graduate in May of this year. Afterwards, Tuan will head back to the Bay Area where he plans to help improve technology integration in public schools.




coloring computers

pepepépepe is an illustrator interested in organic and inorganic life

project site

Tor onion service

Dat repository (requires Beaker Browser)

Celeste Layne

Celeste Layne

Visualizing Museum Collections

Celeste Layne is an architect, urban planner and technologist. She recently left her Masters’ program in Critical, Curatorial, and Conceptual Practices in Architecture at Columbia University’s Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation where she focused her research on data-mining and visualizing open data as well as emerging technologies as it relates to cultural production. Celeste is currently an Instructional Lead at General Assembly, an education technology startup.


Matthew R. F. Balousek

Matthew R. F. Balousek

Processing 💖 Twitterbots

Matthew R.F. Balousek is a game designer, new media artist, and educator. He makes more twitterbots than is probably reasonable.

Camille Fassett

OpenOversight: Using tech, data, and public records to hold the police accountable

Camille Fassett is a reporter at Freedom of the Press Foundation and a researcher at Lucy Parsons Labs. She is interested in data visualization, civil liberties, and how communities can use tools like data and public records for social change.

Jeff Thompson

Building Next-Step Resources

Jeff Thompson

Jeff Thompson is an artist, programmer, and educator based in the NYC area. Through code, sculpture, sound, and performance, Thompson's work physicalizes and gives materiality to otherwise invisible technological processes. He is currently Assistant Professor and Program Director of Visual Art & Technology at Stevens Institute of Technology, and co-founded the experimental curatorial project Drift Station.

Collision Detection book

Chrissy Ziccarrelli

Chrissy Ziccarelli

Philosophy to Pedagogy

Chrissy Ziccarelli currently serves as the Director of Education at Girls Who Code, creating materials, trainings, and support for teachers, librarians, and community members to teach the next generation of coders and close the gender gap in technology. Prior to her role with GWC, Chrissy worked in online advocacy and fundraising, managing email campaigns to change the world with NRDC and M+R Strategic Services. She is indebted to her own mentors for encouraging her to pursue her dreams of working in computer science education and aims to pass that on to aspiring developers and educators she meets through her work.


Jonah Brucker-Cohen

Jonah Brucker-Cohen

Critical Interactive Networked Projects

Jonah Brucker-Cohen. Ph.D., is an award winning researcher, artist, writer, and Assistant Professor of Digital Media and Networked Culture in the department of Journalism and Media Studies at Lehman College, CUNY. He received his Ph.D. in the Disruptive Design Team of the Electronic and Electrical Engineering Department of Trinity College Dublin. His work focuses on the theme of Deconstructing Networks and includes over 100 creative projects that critically challenge and subvert accepted perceptions of network interaction and experience. His work has been exhibited at venues such as San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, MOMA New York, ICA London, Palais du Tokyo,Tate Modern, Ars Electronica, Whitney Museum of American Art, Transmediale, and others.

Mel Orozco

melissa orozco

tortilla stories: a multimedia performative documentary about migration and identity.

hola! i'm mel, from mexico city and currently i reside in brooklyn. i use she/they pronouns. i'm an artist, performer and arts organizer. i'm the artistic director and performer of tortilla stories. i'm part of the collective. i was part of the 2018 new york foundation for the arts immigrant artist mentoring program: social practice. i hold a certification from nyc’s gibney dance’s institute for community action training program. and i co-founded escenaconsejo in 2013, a mexican performance and multimedia company.

project site

source code

Will Geary

Will Geary

Critical Data Visualization

Will Geary is a Data Scientist and Visualizer at CitySwifter, a business intelligence platform for urban bus networks. His work focuses on space-time modeling and visualization, and has been featured by the Information is Beautiful Awards, The Guardian, Le Monde and CityLab. Will holds an M.S. in Data Science from Columbia University and a B.S. in Philosophy from Duke University.

Liam Baum

Liam Baum

Open Mic Aesthetic: A musical journey with p5.Sound library

Liam is a lifelong music maker and learner. He holds a BS in Jazz Studies from SUNY New Paltz and a MS ed from CUNY Queens College. He has been a music teacher for 12 years, currently teaching instrumental and general music at the BELL Academy, a public middle school in Bayside, NY. Over recent years, Liam has become increasingly interested in how technology can be used for the purposes of creative artistic expression. He has led several workshops around the NYC area on creative coding and physical computing at events including Creative Coding Fest , Hip Hop Hackathon and Monthly Music Hackathon.

Talk Resources

Samia Lemfadli

Pathways to Emerging Tech

My background is in technology and workforce development. I currently work as a Talent Manager for The Knowledge House, while launching a nonprofit dedicated to making sustainable ag-tech more accessible to communities affected by food insecurity.

Michael Sobolak

Michael Sobolak

DIY Synth Ensemble: The next step in music education

Michael has taught music in many different iterations including orchestra, band, chorus, theory, and general music ages K-12th grade. Before moving to New York Michael taught in Southeast Michigan, Daegu & Seoul South Korea, and Frankfurt Germany. Michael is currently researching electronic music accessibility at Teachers College, Columbia University. He has had an affinity for electronic music ensembles since his time playing the WX7 in the Schoolcraft College Synth Ensemble under the direction of Barton Polot. Michael's mission is to give every student the opportunity for creative expression, invention and collaboration through the medium of electronic music ensembles.

Maya Man

Putting yourself on screen: literally and figuratively

Maya Man is a Brooklyn based technologist. Currently, she works as a fiver at the Google Creative Lab, making experiments that combine her love for art and code. Maya graduated from Pomona College with a double major in Computer Science and Media Studies with a focus in digital production. She spends the majority of her time creating exploratory new media work, dancing in studios and public spaces, and maintaining her love/hate relationship with the internet (mostly love though).


Jeanine Meyer

Jeanine Meyer

Grandmother Who Codes

Jeanine earned her undergraduate degree at the University of Chicago; a Masters in mathematics at Columbia University; and a PhD in Computer Science at New York University. She was a Research Staff Member, manager, and 2nd level manager at IBM Research as well as a consultant on grants for innovation in K12 education. She is now Professor at Purchase College/State University of New York. She is author or co-author of 8 books, including Programming 101:  The How and Why of Programming Revealed Using the Processing Programming Language. Her interests include origami, studying Spanish using Duolingo, practicing piano, and volunteering for progressive candidates and causes.

Irina Shablinsky

Irina Shablinsky

Grandmother Who Codes

Irina Shablinsky first joined the mathematics/computer science faculty at Purchase College in the fall of 2001 as an adjunct. She was previously a postdoctoral trainee at Columbia University Graduate School of Arts and Sciences where her research focused on natural language processing. Prior to that she worked for many years at the Department of Applied Mathematics and Control Processes, St. Petersburg (Leningrad) State University, St. Petersburg, Russia, concentrating on non-smooth optimization problems and differential equations. Current interests include number theory, Python and Processing programming, cooking, mushroom picking, wandering around the World.

Bozana Predojevic

Bozana Predojevic

Grandmother Who Codes

I am an international student from Bosnia and Herzegovina. Since I was a child I have been interested in human beings, and later on in their behavior. I studied at University of Banja Luka's Dentistry program and trained in Cardiology, Infectious Diseases, Pathology and Pediatrics in the Clinic “Paprikovac”. There I gained knowledge about the physical complexity of a human being but I was not satisfied and decided to explore further. I came to America and am currently attending Purchase College to pursue a degree in Mathematics and Computer Science with a minor in Psychology, and I love it. My Senior Project, a special research project at Purchase, blends Computer Science, Mathematics and Psychology on the topic “Mathematics and Computer Science Phobias”. This topic is very important in order to understand how we may help others realize that Mathematics and Computer Science can be fun to learn instead of their more typical perception as boring and difficult subjects.

Jennifer Wilson

Code + Liberal Arts

As a practicing mathematician in a Liberal Arts College, I am interested in a broad range of mathematics. My research is focused on mathematics applied to the social sciences, particularly game theory, fair division, voting and allocation problems. I am also interested in the visual tools and metaphors used to convey mathematical meaning and am a member of the Parsons’ based Visualizing Finance Lab which looks at the intersection of narrative visualization, financial literacy and behavioral economics.


Lee Tusman

Lee Tusman is an artist, programmer, educator and curator interested in the application of the radical ethos of collectives and DIY culture to the creation of, aesthetics, and open-source distribution methods of digital culture. He creates interactive media, artwork, software, bots, websites, virtual assistants, games, sound and radio stations alone and in collaboration. Areas of research and work include: decentralized networks, generative processes, sonification of data, alternative interface and performance tools, Linux and open source software, bots and digital assistants. He is Assistant Professor of New Media and Computer Science at Purchase College.

Matilda Wysocki

Matilda Wysocki

Matilda is a trans disabled artist, community organizer, and programmer studying, imagining, and leveraging mathematical, ecological, and social systems for a more just, equitable, and inclusive world. They have organized around racial, disability, climate, and housing justice and are currently a fellow at The Knowledge House, a Bronx based pipeline for tech talent from low income communities.

rebecca marks leopold

rebecca (marks) leopold

rebecca (marks) leopold is an artist, writer, programmer and educator living in New York City. She makes photographs, videos and software that explore the relationship between personal expression and technological and historical authorship. Her work has been exhibited at the International Center of Photography, SITE Santa Fe, Knockdown Center, NurtureArt and the Philly Fringe Festival. A double graduate of Bard College, she holds an MFA in Advanced Photographic Studies from ICP and earned a Master’s of Emerging Media from ITP @ NYU.

Rushali Paratey

Rushali Paratey

Currently based in New York City, I'm an Artist + Engineer amalgamating Arts, Design and Technology in my work. I am a Research Resident at New York University's Tisch School of the Arts in the Interactive Telecommunications Program. I’m part of the Processing Community Day organizers for NYC and Bangalore and part of the xStory team at ITP that supports experiments in storytelling.

Saber Khan

hi, i am a veteran educator with over fifteen years of experience teaching math, science, and computer science in public and private middle and high schools. i teach multiple introductory and advanced computer science classes in creative coding and web development. and i organize events and spaces for educators to engage with coding, ethics, equity and inclusion. you can hire me to help you with those topics. get in touch. i love email.

Todd Anderson

Todd Anderson is a digital poet, web artist, and an Assistant Professor of Code + Liberal Arts at Eugene Lang College of The New School. He is the author of Hotwriting, a book of playable poems from Instar Books. He is the founder of WordHack, a monthly language+technology talk series in NYC, and helps run Babycastles, the School for Poetic Computation, and the Illuminator projection collective.